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Try now 14 days for FREE!
All features. Without paying. After the Trial, you will be switched to the Free plan.


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  •   http://app.livechatoo.com/

    Choose your own login page where you will be logging into Livechatoo. Login page starts at app.livechatoo.com/ and after the slash enter the name of your company, for example. Permitted characters are a-z, 0-9 (maximum 20 characters).

Price/registration FAQs

I'm not sure, which licence is most suitable for me

Livechatoo offers the Trial licence for 14 days. During this period you will certainly find out, which type of the licence suits you the most.

How to change the Free licence to a paid one?

If you have the Free licence and you want to change it to a paid one, log in to your account as an admin and click Plans & Pricing in the main menu.

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